Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is managed by UT-Battelle, LLC for the US Department of Energy under DOE Contract Number DE-AC05-00OR22725. ORNL seeks proposals associated with the acquisition, delivery, installation, integration, and operation of high performance computing (HPC) resources that can fulfill the global and regional numerical weather modeling requirements of US Air Force Weather (AFW). All computing resources associated with this procurement are collectively referenced as HPC11.
Key Schedule Elements
[02/15/2019] [02/25/2019] Offeror response to RFP due.
[01/03/2019] Solicitation and Offer 6400015781 issued.
[10/25/2018] Initial Draft Statement of Work released.
[09/10/2018] Instructions for receiving Benchmarks released.
Interested Offerors must submit all questions, comments or other communication regarding the HPC11 RFP, including the benchmarks, to the UT-Battelle, LLC (UT-Battelle) Procurement Officer, Mitzi Bailey at baileymb@ornl.gov.
Offerors are advised to monitor this Web site for HPC11 RFP amendments and other HPC11 RFP information updates. ORNL may notify Offerors of updated HPC11 RFP information via email. However, ORNL is under no obligation to do so. It is the responsibility of all interested Offerors to monitor this website for current HPC11 RFP information.
Most Recent Q&A – Last updated 02/08/2019
[Q34] Attachment 3, Price Schedule reflects “greyed out” boxes for the Baseline IOS items Dev IOS and Prod IOS. Please clarify whether these items count against the available funding for this Solicitation and Offer described as being constrained to $24,500,000….[show_more more=More less=Less]
[A34] The value of all items, including the value of the Baseline (Dev and Prod) IOS items marked as optional in the Total Price column is constrained to $24,500,000.00. All of these spreadsheet cells are white/empty. Offeror should complete each of these. Price information related to any other item, i.e. scaling items and similar additional proposal items, that reflect a greyed-out cell in the Total Price column do not count against the $24,500,000.00 constraint, but are instead items that remain of interest to Laboratory.
The question identified an error in the original version of the cost spreadsheet, where the Baseline IOS elements for Dev IOS and Prod IOS were “greyed-out”. That has been corrected in Version 1.1 of Attachment 3.[/show_more]
RFP Documents
- [01/03/2019] Cover Letter – USAF 557WW HPC11
- [02/08/2019] Solicitation and Offer – USAF 557WW HPC11
- [revised][.pdf] Solicitation 6400015781 Amendment 4
- [01/30/2019] Attachment 1 – USAF 557WW HPC11 Statement of Work v1.3.2
- [revised][.pdf] Solicitation 6400015781 Attachment 1 – USAF 557WW HPC11 Statement of Work v1.3.2
- [revised][.pdf] Solicitation 6400015781 Attachment 1 – USAF 557WW HPC11 Statement of Work v1.3.1 to v1.3.2 redlines
- [revised][.docx] Solicitation 6400015781 Attachment 1 – USAF 557WW HPC11 Statement of Work v1.3.2
- [01/28/2019] Attachment 2 – USAF 557WW HPC11 Proposal Preparation Instructions v1.3
- [02/08/2019] Attachment 3 – USAF 557WW HPC11 Price Schedule Template v1.1
- [02/08/2019] Consolidated RFP Q&A
- [revised][.pdf] USAF 557WW HPC11 Q&A
- [Sept 10, 2018] ORNL will use the performance of two benchmarks, the Unified Model – Global Atmosphere, version 10.9 (UM 10.9) and Four-Dimensional Variational Data Assimilation (4DVAR), as part of the selection process. The UM 10.9 and 4DVAR benchmarks are developed, maintained and licensed by the UK Met Office (https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/). To provide appropriately licensed access to the benchmarks, the UK Met Office has agreed to distribute the materials via secure transfer methods. Interested Offerors are invited to contact Douglas Boyd at the UK Met Office, with cc: to Mitzi Bailey, ORNL Procurement Officer to request access to the benchmarks. Any technical questions about the benchmarks must be submitted in writing to Mitzi Bailey, ORNL Procurement Officer. Offerors are not to directly contact the UK Met Office regarding the contents of the benchmarks.
- Solicitation and Offer – USAF 557WW HPC11
- [01/03/2019] [.pdf] Solicitation 6400015781
- [01/28/2019] [.pdf] Solicitation 6400015781 Amendment 1
- [01/30/2019] [.pdf] Solicitation 6400015781 Amendment 2
- [02/07/2019] [.pdf] Solicitation 6400015781 Amendment 3
- Attachment 1 – USAF 557WW HPC11 Statement of Work
- [01/28/2019] [.pdf] Solicitation 6400015781 Attachment 1 – USAF 557WW HPC11 Statement of Work v1.3.1
- [01/28/2019] [.docx] Solicitation 6400015781 Attachment 1 – USAF 557WW HPC11 Statement of Work v1.3.1
- [01/03/2019] [.pdf] Solicitation 6400015781 Attachment 1 USAF 557WW HPC11 Statement of Work v1.3
- [01/03/2019] [.docx] Solicitation 6400015781 Attachment 1 – USAF 557WW HPC11 Statement of Work v1.3
- [01/03/2019] [.pdf] USAF 557WW HPC11 Statement of Work v1.2 to 1.3 redlines
- [01/03/2019] Attachment 2 – USAF 557WW HPC11 Proposal Preparation Instructions v1.2
- [01/03/2019] Attachment 3 – USAF 557WW HPC11 Price Schedule Template v1.0
- [12/06/2018] Draft Statement of Work v1.2.
- [11/03/2018] Draft Statement of Work v1.0
- [10/25/2018] Draft Statement of Work v1.0.
Procurement Officer Contact
Contact Mitzi Bailey, Procurement Officer, UT-Battelle